Now this is how to spend your Super Bowl Sunday…..
Bass fishing Lake Mohave!
Two state records have come from Lake Mohave; a 63 pound striped bass was caught in 2001 and a 16 lb 4 oz rainbow trout was caught in 1971. Although not state records, Lake Mohave has also produced a 30-pound 8-ounce carp, an 11-pound largemouth bass, a 26-pound 4-ounce channel catfish, a 2-pound 12-ounce black crappie, a 1-pound 1-ounce bluegill sunfish and an 11-pound 6-ounce cutthroat trout.
Game fish species include striper, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, bluegill sunfish, crappie, and channel catfish. Nongame fish include carp, razorback sucker, bonytail chub, red shiner and threadfin shad.