PHOENIX — The Arizona Game and Fish Commission recently approved several boating and watercraft regulation changes aimed at increasing customer service and public safety on Arizona’s waterways. 
The commission approved the changes at its April 7 meeting, amending the state’s Article 5 rules, which outline boating and water sports regulations and fees. The proposed changes will now be considered by the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council on June 6 and, if approved, will become effective Aug. 5. 
The proposed changes were recommended as part of a legally required five-year review of the department’s administrative rules. For more information or to view the complete list of proposed Article 5 changes, visit and click on “Rulemaking.”
The following are among the proposed changes: 
  • Requiring a signature be notarized/witnessed when the seller is not listed as the owner on the current registration or the signature of the buyer or seller is in question.
  • Allowing owners to obtain a duplicate watercraft registration/decal at  
  • Increasing the valid timeframe for a temporary certificate from 30 to 45 days and allowing a watercraft agent to issue a temporary certificate with the sale of a used watercraft. 
  • Requiring liveries to affix a placard on the watercraft indicating the business name and phone number, and requiring a person who rents, leases or offers a watercraft for hire to register as a livery. 
  • Requiring a wake surfer to wear a personal floatation device and that an operator ensure an observer is watching if a person is being towed behind the watercraft and/or surfing a wake created by the watercraft. 
  • Prohibiting teak surfing, which is pulling a person from a vessel’s swim platform. 
  • Requiring towing companies to notify the owner/lienholder that they have taken possession of a vessel within 15 days of obtaining the information from the department.
  • Authorizing a third-party vendor to process new watercraft registrations, transfers, renewals and duplicate registrations. 
The following fee changes are also proposed:
  • Watercraft transfer fee to $13
  • Duplicate decal and certificate number fee to $8
  • Dealer certificate of number fee to $20
  • Establish an abandoned/unreleased watercraft application fee of $100
  • Transfer of ownership of a towed watercraft application fee to $100

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